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This event is sold out. Unfortunately, we are not accepting walk-ins.

Use the link below to fulfill your mitzvah of matanos l'evyonim:


In addition to the many museum exhibits and activities,

we are offering many special Purim themed activities 

including the following: 


The program will begin with dinner in the skyline room where we will come together as a community. The megillah story will be displayed graphically throughout dinner and the 4 mitzvos of purim will be explained and the exhibits introduced.


In the teaching kitchen children and their parents will learn how to make hamantashen, with all kinds of delicous fillings. Hamantashen are delicous traditional three-sided Purim pastries with filling hidden inside.


During the Purim story although G-d was very close, He didn’t want to be seen. Since G-d “wore a mask so to speak” so do we on Purim. It also reminds us that things aren’t always the way they appear. In the Art Studio children can create all kinds of masks for Purim!


Here, children can also paint their graggers that they made in the Assembly Plant or create the Purim Story characters out of clay.


At another center, children can create hamantashen shaped containers or decorate bags for their mishloach manot.


Every time the villian of the Purim story’s name is mentioned we make noise with a gragger (noisemaker) In the Assembly Plant children will use real tools and recycled materials to create their own graggers. Then they can take them to be painted and decorated in the Art Studio.


On Purim there is a special mitzvah to give mishloach manos - gifts of food to friends. Minimally we are required to give 2 ready to eat food items to at least 1 person. In My Market, children will select ingredients at the farmers market for their mishloach manos. 


In the adjacent play kitchen children can prepare their festive purim meal for their guests. 


The Book Nook is fully stocked with all kinds of books about Purim.


At 6:00 pm there will be an interactive Purim story puppet show for children of all ages.

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